This Blog Has Moved!

Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog. However, this site is no longer updated. To view updated ptc reviews, please go here. Sorry for any inconvenience to you.
I am reviewing just about every PTC that I can, seeing which ones pay and which ones are scams so that I know which ones are worth investing my time/money. If you are curious about one that is not listed, please contact me with the name of it and I will add it. There are so many of these out there and new ones created every day. I will try to get as many as I can in order to answer any questions/skepticism you have with one. Hope this is helpful. Let me know if it is or isn't. :)

This was originally one large post that was continuously updated, but I have changed it to smaller posts to become more blog-like and give more detail to each one. If you prefer the original set up, please click here

To see my list of online scams, click here

[Vote for this Site!]\

For those of you that may not know, a PTC site is a website that will pay you to simply click on ads. Usually around $.01 per click for free members. Any of the ones that offer less than this are usually not worth the time. You can upgrade to a Premium member, which for most PTCs give you more ads to click on and you get paid more per click. You do not have to upgrade to make money from these sites. $.01 per click can really add up, especially if you join more than one and click everyday. It doesn't take much time at all and is completely worth it. Also, you can purchase referrals and get paid for everytime they click on an ad too. Simple thing to do if you ever have just a few minutes extra during the day and want a little extra cash in your pocket. Most of these pay you through Alertpay, which is a lot like paypal. There are a few that pay with paypal, but if you are really interested in signing up with these, then you should open an Alertpay account (its free).

Too young to have a bank account? Ask your parents to help you set up an alertpay account through their bank account.

These are all continuously updated when new information is available.

NOTICE: I've cleaned this up a bit and moved all of the reviews for the ended/down for an extended period of time PTC sites here. This way, I can add new PTC sites that actually work.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


$10 payout

Basic Membership:
$.01 per click
$.005 per referral click

Premium Membership:
$.0125 per click
$.008 per referal click
Priority Payments
$9 for one month
$59 for one year

V.I.P. Bux seems like an okay bux site. Be careful, members that have been inactive for more than 15 days will have their accounts deleted.

  • Pays through Alertpay and Paypal
  • Working forum

August 4: Joined V.I.P. Bux
August 11: 16 ads for free members
September 10: Lotto soon
September 16: 20 ads for free members
September 20: Down until September 26

My Site Rating: 4.7/5

1 comment:


I got my 1st payment from 07bux after waiting for two months. The site is paying only too slow...I hope they will not follow the steps of